Wednesday, 28 November 2007

What was east London like in 1888

I will be covering how the envioronment was in East London and also the population in 1888.This links to the study of Jack The Ripper as it gives us an insight in to who he was,his possible back ground and why he may have commited such deviant murders.

The area East London came about due to:
The Medieval period in which it was situated east of the walled city of London.It was north of the River Thames in London.
The east end habitated imigrants and the poor,this came as a result of the clearanceof slum and down troden areas.Eastlondon was well known for disease poverty and overcrowding.This helped to increse the rate of crime.
The environmental surroundings in the East End
It was originally an area that was surroundedby farm land.This was possible before the industrial period and would suggest that ther was good soil for planting crops and keeping cattle.
It was also useful for its docks which enabled trade imports and exports and supported the Royal Navy.
But also you could imagine that this period is close to the time of the industrial revolution,so when this land was used to produce houses it saw the making of factories and industrial buildings That would cause pollution.East London was full of imigrants such as Jewish people,Irish people and Bungali.This encouraged social reforms which helped to create unions.This enhanced the Labour party and that of the Suffragges movementfor women.
East London was one of the poorest parts of London as did have bany real famous landmarks,it wasn't agreat tourest attraction.The political issues were dealt with in centural or the western part of London such as Westminister.

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