Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Victorian education

In 1860, 20 years before the ripper murders, the government began to take interest in secondary school eduction in England and Wales.

In 1861 a Royal commission under Lord Clarendon was appointed to inquire into the opening of nine schools, classified as public schools.

This was followed on by a second commission by Lord Tauton which inquired inquired into grammar schools and secondary schools.

The two commissions were the first evidence for classical education in Victorian Britain.

Grammar schools had ceased to play any important part in the life of the country, so pupils attending these schools were not awear of the white chapel murders, due to the luck of general knowledge as part of an education system.

Despite, the luck of technology, pupils were to attend school and return to there domes or return home to house work.

The education consisted of, conventional teaching fro out of date grammar books.

Only boys were expected to attend and , any if a few boys, would get anything out of the classical education, which was all that was provided.

The highest class read aloud the begging of Latin grammar without having known the meaning, just to satisfy the founders.

The main universities at the time were, Oxford and Cambridge...

Students learnt that a degree was not only for private ambition, but also for public good.

Victorian educators advocated to pupils that, high places were reserved for the educated to fulfil the duties of leadership.

This enables students to find justification through good works, of history of Europe, philosophy and languages, which were the main literacy.

History promised to cultivate the best qualities for those who studied it, the subject recorded, that the selfish suffered and lost.

This illustrated that educated people were the borgoursie of the eighteenth century and the poor always suffered because, they were force to do labour jobs, or prostitution.

The twenty first century, saw a different approach to education, students are given a curriculum that explores all aspects of society whether it is history or sociology.

The Victorians were in small societies, that were reserved and never rejoiced or spoke of things ad quaint from society, for example murder.

Today society is bombarded with so much information that everything is worth studying.

The governmenthave introduced a video conference for students at key stage 4, between the age of 13 - 14 years old.

The conference is designed for students on the Edxcelle GCSE course work option, 'jack the ripper'.

The study consists of a study of original correspondence take from the metrotian police letter books and jack the ripper letters, held at national archives.

students are to investigate why the police didn't catch the murderer.

http://www.learnigcurve.govuk/workshops/jacktheripper.htm learn more about thr ripper conference for GCSE students.

additional imformation on victroian education.
posted by Barbara namulondo, aka jack the rippest x

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